Divorce means the end of marital relations and it is among the most traumatic incidences for any couple. But it is most traumatic for their children and therefore it is the Sole Responsibility of the court to hand over child or children to the rightful parent.
Child custody is legal guardianship of child or children under the age of 18.In most divorce cases legal custody is with both parents but only one of them have physical custody. Family law courts generally base decisions on the best interests of the child or children, not always on the best arguments of each parent. In general, courts tend to award PHYSICAL child custody to the parent who demonstrates the most financial security, adequate parenting skills and the least disruption for the child.
After the dissolution of a marriage, custody of a child can be given as:
Joint Physical Custody: Both parents will have legal custody, but one will have the physical custody (child resides with him or her) and will be the child’s primary caretaker.
Sole Custody: One parent has been proven to be an abusive and unfit parent and the other parent is granted custody.
Third Party Custody: Neither of the biologic
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